TCDW2024 Round Table Session


The purpose of involving students in research is to ensure complete professionalization. In addition to the skills of diagnosis and psychological intervention, future professionals are expected to maintain permanent contact with the evolution of psychological science.

Students’ participation in scientific communication sessions develops:

– Ability to identify, analyze and synthesize specialized studies on various topics in psychology;

– Skills of establish working hypotheses in the sense of critical and prospective thinking;

– The skill of selecting some psychological tools relevant for the highlighting of some psychic features;

– Ability to draw conclusions with applicative relevance for understanding human behavior.

– Capacity to share their own knowledge with the peers and to learn from other research experiences.

The papers to be presented by the students will highlight the theoretical notions relevant for the study, the objectives and hypotheses of the study, data on the tools used, sample description, statistical and psychological analysis of the hypotheses, conclusions and main bibliographical references.


The date of transmission of the PPT presentations to the address is 01.06.2024.



Assoc. prof. PhD Tiberiu Dughi


Tiberiu Dughi is associate professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania. He holds a specialization in Psychology (PhD) and Socio-Psychology of the Family (MD). He has been an expert in research in over 10 projects funded by the European Union. He worked as an expert in education in 4 projects funded by the Ministry of Education. His research and applied interests include: Educational Psychology, Personality Psychology, Professional and Vocational Counseling. He is co-author of 10 books and 48 articles published at international conferences or in specialized journals. He is psychologist supervisor in educational psychology and member of the Association of Psychologist in Romania and Association of Psychologists in Belgium.

Nr. Crt. Numele si prenumele Anul Titlul Coordonator Interval orar susținere
1 Ursăciuc Olivia III PH Rolul trăsăturilor de personalitate în adaptarea la stres și copingul emoțional Conf. univ.dr. Dana Rad 16.00 – 16.15
2 Firțulescu Andreia III PH Impactul platformei TikTok asupra atenției Conf. univ.dr. Dana Rad 16.15 – 16.30
3 Marușca Liviu III PH Nivelul de stres și anxietate în rapăort cu consumul de droguri Conf. univ.dr. Tiberiu Dughi 16.30 – 16.45
4 Preda Lidia Mihaela III PH Intervenții psihologice în dezvoltarea socio-emoțională a copilului preșcolar Conf. univ.dr. Vancu Gabriela 16.45 – 17.00
5 Tudor Argentina III PH Intervenții psihologice în situațiile psiho-traumatizante ale adolescenților Conf. univ.dr. Vancu Gabriela 17.00 – 17.15
6 Opriș Oana II CEP Influența social media asupra imaginii corporale Conf. univ.dr. Vancu Gabriela 17.15 – 17.30
7 Verlan Ala II CEP Rolul psihologului în recuperarea traumelor victimelor de război Conf. univ.dr. Tiberiu Dughi 17.30 – 17.45
8 Bălan Lorina II CEP Surse de stres și mecanisme de coping în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar arădean Conf. univ.dr. Tiberiu Dughi 17.45 – 18.00
9 17.45 – 18.00
9 Tira Rebeca III PH Influența Social Media asupra tulburărilor alimentare în adolescență Conf. univ.dr. Dana Rad 18.00 – 18.15



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